Tying Horses Safely Activity

Tying Horses Safely Activity

Graphic design and illustration for a downloadable 2 page PDF with pointers about tying horses safely, and an illustrated guide to learn how to tie a quick release knot. Includes a coloring page activity.

Riding Aids Activity

Riding Aids Activity

Graphic design and illustration for downloadable PDF horseback riding aids activity sheets on the Allpony website.

This PDF Download Contains:

-An explanation sheet that explains natural and artificial aids.
-A riding aids craft that allows students to cut out the riding aids and place them in the correct location.
-An information sheet that explains the order that riding aids should be applied with an example.
-An interactive charades games that allows students to explore the idea of riding aid intensity.

Shoulder-In Illustrations

Shoulder-In Illustrations

View from above horse and rider graphics. Series of illustrations and infographics that explain the shoulder-in move in dressage.

Hand Position Graphic

Hand Position Graphic

Educational illustration commission that teaches about the correct hand position when riding.